

OBJECTS: The objects of the Society shall be:-

(a) To promote the breeding, development and exhibiting of the Zebra Finch when and wherever possible.

(b) To protect the interests of Members (so far as this Society is concerned) wherever possible.

(c) To encourage the exhibition of the Zebra Finch by granting the Society’s Patronage to shows and assisting them in all ways possible.

(d) To issue, if possible, at least once a year a Yearbook/Bulletin covering progress made, list of Members, Names of Officials, Society accounts for previous year, etc.

MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to all interested in the Zebra Finch. Application to be made in writing to the Secretary accompanied by the Annual Subscription. The Committee reserve the right to reject applications or terminate membership if appropriate. The Annual General Meeting may terminate any form of membership of the Society, where the offending member would have the right to appeal against any form of termination or suspension of membership.

SUBSCRIPTION: The Annual Subscription shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting for implementation the following year, and shall become due on the 1st of January in each year irrespective of when the Member may join the Society. Any Member not having paid his or her subscription by 31st March shall be deemed to have resigned from the Society and his or her name shall be struck off the Register.

FUNDS: The funds of the Society shall be used for all purposes which are in keeping with the objects of the Society, as defined by these rules, and for such other purposes as may be decided by a majority of the Committee.

OFFICERS: The Executive Officers of the Society shall consist of CHAIRMAN, VICE CHAIRMAN, GENERAL SECRETARY, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, TREASURER, PATRONAGE SECRETARY, EDITOR, PUBLICITY SECRETARY, and OVERSEAS SECRETARY, with up to fifteen other Members of the Society. These officers shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a term of one year. The AGM shall also have the right to appoint a PRESIDENT, LIFE VICE PRESIDENTS, and VICE PRESIDENTS, who shall be Non-Executive members of the Committee and not have any additional liabilities or voting rights to those afforded to ordinary members. The CHAIRMAN and VICE CHAIRMAN shall be responsible for having the accounts of the Society audited annually. All retiring officials shall be eligible and shall be automatically nominated unless notice to the contrary has been received by the Secretary 28 days prior to the AGM. The Executive Committee shall be authorised to appoint any members of the Society to other posts, which may be deemed necessary to assist in the running of the Society. All elected Executive Officers, and Elected Committee Members of the Society are expected to attend a minimum of three committee meetings over a two year period. It is the responsibility of all committee members to inform the Chairman or General Secretary by telephon, e-mail or in writing of their expected absence, wherever possible before each meeting takes place. Failure to attend without reasonable excuse will result in the member being removed from the committee.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: An Annual General Meeting of all fully paid up Members shall be held in each year and not later than the 30th day of June for the following purposes:-

(a) To receive and consider the Statement of Accounts and the Auditors’ Report for the period since the last Statement of Accounts.

(b) To receive and consider the report of the Committee.

(c) To elect Officers and Officials for the following year.

(d) To allocate and approve honoraria to Society Officials.

(e) To consider any proposal submitted for the addition to or alteration from any existing Rule of the Society, at least 28 days notice of such proposed alteration or addition to be made in writing to the Secretary.

(f) To transact any other business relevant to the Society and which is permissible under the existing Rules.

(g) For the purposes of the A.G.M. a quorum shall consist of not less than 7 members.

SOCIETY’S BUSINESS: The business of the Society shall be carried out by the Members at an Annual General Meeting or at such other Meeting as the Committee may determine. The Committee shall have power to act in all matters which may from time to time arise in between General Meetings of the Members.

ACCOUNTS: A cash account shall be kept by the Treasurer who will prepare an accurate statement of accounts to be presented annually at the AGM, and also at other times, as determined by the Committee.

MEMBERS LIST: The Zebra Finch Society will produce a full list of members at least every other year, and annually whenever possible. [N.B. Anyone not wishing their name and address to appear on the members list should inform the Secretary of ‘this fact]

RESIGNATIONS: In the event of resignations or decease of any officer or Member of the Committee during the year, the Committee shall have the power to replace the vacancy at their discretion.

SHOW PATRONAGE: The Society shall grant patronage in any form the Committee may deem advisable from time to time as circumstances permit. A list of all show promoting societies, having applied for patronage and agreeing to the conditions shall be submitted to the Committee, who shall decide by majority vote which applications shall be approved.

MATTERS ARISING AND NOT COVERED BY THESE RULES: The Committee shall have power to deal with all matters whatsoever which may from time to time arise and which are not covered by the Society’s Rules. All such matters dealt with shall be reported at the Annual General Meeting.

