Welcome to the Zebra Finch Society
Subscriptions can now be paid for 2024. These can be paid by Pal Pal/Credit/Debit card via the ZFS website, or you can pay by cheque/postal order direct to the Membership Secretaries. Junior membership is FREE, however new and existing junior membersmust register (including date of birth) with the Membership Secretaries annually.
New Members
Full details for New Members, click on “The Menu” at the top of the page, “The Society”, then “Join the Zebra Finch Society”, where you will find a downloadable application form. If you require any further information please contact the Membership Secretaries, Frank and Mavis Dawson on 01752 341204 or send an email to frank1947william@btinternet.com.
Subscription Costs using Paypal:-
Single & Joint Renew membership £16.
Single & Joint New Membership £20.
Senior Citizen Renew membership £13.
Senior Citizen New membership £17.
Overseas Renewal membership £24.
Overseas New membership £28.
Junior New membership – FREE but register with Membership Secretaries annually.
Junior Renew membership- FREE but register with Membership Secretaries annually.
Reduce all of the above by £1 if posting application with cheque or Postal Order.
Bird Raffle
As discussed at the recent Committee meeting, I am planning to organise a bird raffle at the ZFS Club show in October to raise funds for the show.
I will be putting a request for donated pairs or singles on the ZFS Website/Facebook page ,as well as asking well known exhibitors if they would like to contribute.
Each pair/single will have the name of the Donator on the front of the cage, and all tickets will be placed in separate boxes relevant to the donated birds.
This will be run separately from the Normal sales section.
The cost of each ticket will be £5 per ticket, and any amount of tickets can be purchased. The amount of tickets sold in each box will not be made known to the buyer of any said ticket.
No numbers will be used, just the names of the purchaser of the ticket to go in the relevant box.
It is open to everyone, even if you cannot attend the show, but payment must be made before the show if you cannot attend, and your instructions included.
The draw will be made at 2.30 as we have limited time before the Main presentations at 3.30
If anyone would like to donate a pair/single or purchase a ticket then please contact me
Many thanks – Peter Cannan
Donated birds to date
G & K Craig
N. Smith
Following concerns from members regarding the show cage drinkers and the alterations to the front rail, the matter was discussed at the last Committee meeting.
It was pointed out that some exhibitors have lacquered show cages and to make the changes would make it impossible the match the original finish
The following proposal was put forward
That all exhibitors to use the CO20 algae blue flow-maticdrinkers. The D cup drinker, holder and escape wire MAY be left in place if so wished{ but it is not to be used instead of the exterior drinker}
Any entry without an external drinker, will automatically be disqualified from that class.
It is then down to each individual exhibitor to decide whether they wish to make the alterations to or replace the front rail.
Please Note – There is no time limit on the use of existing show cages, and there are no plans to phase them out.
This was duly agreed on unanimously.
Frank Dawson has been in touch with 3 manufacturers of the show cage and they are happy to build future cages without the drinker drawer.
I hope this now clarifies the position
Peter Cannan
2023 CLUB SHOW, Trophy & Class SPONSORS
We are looking for sponsorship for the following awards
Ceramic Plates {£15 each}
Best Normals
Best FawnsG & K Craig
Best PiedsP & J Acock
Best SilversD.Webster
Best CreamsF & M Dawson
Best Lightbacks
Best Chestnut FW
Best WhitesP & J Acock
Best PenguinsD.Webster
Best Black faced, Blackcheek or Charcoals
Best Orange Breasted / Black Breasted
Best Grey cheek, Fawn cheek, Isabel or Crested
Also the 3 Breeder awards Sponsorship {£30each}
Best Champion Breeder N.Smith, Carpentry & Joinery
Best Novice Breeder N.Smith, Carpentry & Joinery
Best Junior Breeder P & J Paintain
Any class Sponsorship {£5}
Please inform Peter Cannan if you wish to donate / sponsor and the Award you have chosen
The sponsors name { not amount} will be shown in the Catalogue
Important:- Due to problems with society email address, please use the following emails:
Membership inquiries: frank1947william@btinternet.com
General inquiries: peter.cannan1953@btinternet.com
Important Message – Could all members sending cheques for ring orders and/or membership subs, merchandise etc, please note that the the society’s proper title should be written on the cheques and NOT the abbreviated use ZFS. Please pass this message on to other members you might know

Join Now
Subscriptions can be paid by Pay Pal, you can also pay by cheque/postal order. For full details click on “The Society” then “Join the Zebra Finch Society” at the top of this page, where you will find downloadable application forms.
You can also subscribe by Pay Pal using the ZFS Website www.zebrafinchsociety.org.uk.
2024 Subscriptions NOW BEING TAKEN!
If you require any further information please send an email to: frank1947william@btinternet.com
ZFS closed rings can now be paid for via PayPal BUT NOT using the membership account (all the info is on this page;- http://www.zebrafinchsociety.org.uk/index.php/zfs-rings/